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carnival cruise line

 Carnival Cruise Line

Research showed that most people had the same impression of Carnival: it’s either an over-the-top party environment or only for families with kids. Our goal was to shift perceptions by introducing vacationers to a more mature side of the brand while still showing that no one does fun like Carnival.

AD: Meredith Niles

We created bespoke movie posters and “trailers” that leaned into genre tropes to appear in actual theaters and during the Oscars:

In our :06s, we leveraged the campaign line’s modularity to create content inspired by a spectrum of vacation experiences:

The design system in OOH is inspired by Polaroid photos to evoke memory-making that happens on a Carnival cruise:

We didn’t just want to repurpose our spots for social, so instead we shot native content for TikTok and Instagram. Peep the pitstop to Flavortown.

In Times Square for NYE, we leveraged our social footage to create something that felt less like an ad and more like a camera roll: